About me
- Hotel Academy Piešťany, Managment of hotels and travel agencies, ISCED 5B
- UKF Nitra, Managment of cultur and tourism, ISCED 5A
Education in massages and therapies
Education in massages and therapies
- Dorn method and Breuss massage (2019) https://www.rege.sk/
- Vaginal mapping – training by Denisa Palečkova (2019) https://www.denisapaleckova.cz
- Massage with hot stones (2018) https://www.rege.sk/
- Individual tantric massage training (2018) https://www.aveharmony.eu/sk/
- Bank massage, Gua sha, moxibustion (2018) https://www.tradicne-feng-shui.sk/
- Massage with tibetian singing bowls (2018) https://gongmuse.me/sl/domov
- Workshop Mystery of pelvic girdle by Lena Achmeer (2017) http://mojepanev.cz/
- School of antistress massage of head (2017) http://www.maserskaskola.sk
- Raindrop technique (2017) https://www.aromapsychologia.estranky.sk
- School of classic and sports massage (2017) http://beautyschool.sk/
- Shamanic craniosacral therapy I. and II. by Marek Bohunicky (2016 – 2017) https://www.skolacloveka.sk/
- Tantric massage training in Tantra school Savitryi (2016-2017) https://www.tantrasavitryi.sk/
- School of Foot reflexology (2016) http://www.zamas.sk